Thursday, July 17, 2008

We've Seen Papa B!

Although the official start to World Youth Day (really week) was on Tuesday with the opening Mass, today felt more like the beginning of the heart of this journey we are taking. The morning began with catechesis for some, but Sandra and I left them at the parish to go and stake our claim on seats for the arrival of PapaB at the Barangaroo.

Now, I do have VIP passes to all the events (that's another story for another day!). And I must say that I deliberated long and hard about leaving to use them just to see where they would take me today...especially if it got me on stage with the Pope! I resisted that temptation, though, and realized that the meaning behind the events wasn't just to see the Pope and get good pictures, but to be able to share the experience with those who came with me, and with youth from all over the world.

Today we were surrounded by groups from Vietnam and Paraguay. As Sandra and I sat watch for 3 hours on our staked out piece of asphalt, they shared their food with us and we tossed around a beach ball that I had taken along. Because we had gotten there early, we were able to relax and reflect a bit, and be grateful that we had been able to secure ourselves seats at the front of our section, which was only one section back from the stage, and was right along the water. There was also a screen right next to us so we could watch either the stage or get the detail on screen.

What proved to be a little frustrating were the people who left their sections and came to stand right in front of us in the aisle-way to take pictures, and had their large flags in tow blocking the view. Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. As the "boatacade" went by, we too went into the path in front of our section to get a better view and photos, since the flag would have been less interesting than the Papal party. It took a moment, but we continued to remind ourselves that the important thing was that we were there at all.

After the Papal arrival event, the group split up. Some went to see Christopher West speak, but a few of us went in search of adoration. And I mean it was a city search! We went to the Opera House, but they told us it was too full. Then we looked for reconciliation and it apparently was in the same place as adoration tonight. Option 1: denied. Next we headed for St. Mary's Cathedral as that was where we went for adoration the other day. The whole place was gated off, and when we asked a volunteer, they said it was listed as an option, but that actually there was no adoration tonight - it had been cancelled. Option 2: denied. Tired at this point, we decided to just sit and do evening prayer in Hyde Park (which is a beautiful park, by the way!).

On our way back, Padre had to make a pit stop, so we walked through the park in search for restrooms. It was quite a providential walk. We passed a tent that looked fairly empty and realized it was the World Youth Day cross and Icon. With no apparent crowds inside or in the queue, we entered in and prayed for a little while. It ended up being exactly what I'd been needing. A nice quiet environment to pray, with some softer praise music that ended with "Your Love Oh Lord" by Third Day...yup a Third Day song - I was home. ;) Seriously, though, you could feel the Spirit just filling the tent, and for the first time I was able to sit and pray quietly without distraction. Amen to that!!

As for now, it still hasn't quite sunk in that I really have seen the Pope. I'm sure it will hit me eventually...perhaps when the exhaustion wears off! For now, my eyelids are coming closed so it is off to bed. Good night, and God bless!!

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