Wednesday, June 25, 2008

T-Minus 13 Days!

Why yes, we are indeed leaving for Sydney in less than two weeks!! And yes, we are all a combination of excitement and trepidation. We have collectively put our faith in the Lord, however, and despite the nerves, are convicted in our belief that all will be better than well. If there was any doubt of that in my mind, that doubt was definitely erased as I saw a message from God driving past Bishop Foley high school this morning. On their message board that usually scrolls information, the following quote remained up there long enough for me to get the message loud and clear:

"There is no place that the will of God will lead you that the grace of God will not protect you."

We have no doubt that it is the will of God for us to go, so now we must just trust that the grace of God will protect us and provide for us the rest of the way.

Praying for & with our pilgrims...
As with any spiritual journey, the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ are always helpful and much appreciated. If you would like to "adopt" a specific pilgrim for prayer, please contact us at and we will give you some more information about them. You can include them in personal prayer, in the prayer intentions of your community, and/or send them prayerful inspiration and support by email or written word. If you have a prayer intention you would like us to pray for during World Youth Day, please email those to the same email address as well.

The pilgrims traveling to Australia are:

Anna Dudek
Andrea Hooper
Jerry LaPointe
Christa Lindsey
Anthony Thompson
Sandra Tomaszycki
Laura Uschold
Rakhi Roy - Group Coordinator
Fr. John Martin Shimkus - Spiritual Director

Last, and perhaps less (but not least!) importantly, some of the pilgrims are still struggling with the cost of the trip. If you feel at all called to make a donation of any size to help these young people on this pilgrimage, please contact Genesis Ministries at or mail your donation in to:

World Youth Day 2008
c/o Genesis Ministries
3665 E. Walton Blvd.
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

Much gratitude and God's blessings,

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